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Your marketing coach for growth

Build brand confidence with smart content marketing

Nail your brand message

Elevate the problem you solve so prospects understand your value.

Attract your audience

Content creation is the #1 way you can attract the right customers and scale.

Win more business

Leverage programmatic marketing to automatically earn new business.

Is your business stuck? 

Many companies waste time and money chasing marketing tactics that don't deliver results.


Can you relate to these common problems?

  • Your marketing offers are too generic and you aren't sure you're reaching the right people.
  • You love what you do, but you don't feel confident marketing your business.
  • You rely on social media to reach your audience, but no one sees your posts (and you don't want to dance on camera!)
  • You know content is king, but it’s too time consuming and hard to scale.

You need a strategic marketing plan that works for you so you can focus on your business

  • Brand Messaging

    Create a clear message that articulates the primary problem you solve. When you communicate empathy and demonstrate your expertise, you’ll earn trust – and win more business.

  • Content Marketing

    Build content your audience actually wants. Your content should work FOR you — generating leads and fueling your sales funnel while you sleep.

  • Thought Leadership

    What’s basic to you will be magic to someone else. That magic is your thought leadership. Let’s uncover your best insights – ones that can translate into press coverage and speaking opportunities.


Tracey Shell

Experienced marketing coach working with small businesses, growth stage companies, and agencies.